Request for Proposals Going to Contract

Information on bids and proposals requested by the NH Department of Safety.

Requests for Bids

There are no active Requests for Bids (RFBs).

Requests for Proposals

RFP DOS 2025-0001

Physical Security Assessment of State-Owned Facilities
Number of Proposals: 8

RFP DOS 2024-015

Highway Safety Media Campaign Services
Number of Proposals: 4

RFP DOS 2024-001

Electronic Title Solution
Number of Proposals: 6

RFP DOS 2024-011 

NHSP Pre-Employment Physical and Drug Screens
Number of Proposals:  1

RFP DOS 2024-013

Bell 407 Helicopter Service and Maintenance
Number of Proposals:  2

RFP DOS 2024-014

Cessna 182 Aircraft Service and Maintenance
Number of Proposals:  1

Proposals Received

RFB DOS 2024-04

NH State Police Forensic Laboratory Uniform Rental & Laundering Services

Vendor Price
Prudential Overall Supply $9,667.00

RFB DOS 2024-02

Gutter Installation at NH DOS Automotive Garage
Vendor Price
Gutter Done $7,300.00
JJS Universal Construction Co. $17,500.00
Weather Guard Industries $16,200.00

Archived requests can be found on the Department of Administrative Services website.